JJ's Jenga
Required: Jenga game set, Dice
?: Question Challenge, or anything you think is appropriate for the age playing
Switch: Switch points or players from the 2 teams
Typhoon: Erase all points from the team that lands on this or from the other team
Dice: Roll the dice and multiply it by 10 to receive that amount of points
- 10: Lose 10 points from your team or erase 10 points from the other team
Thief: Steal points from the other team
Add Points: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200
Students must take a block from the tower, and then put it on top of the tower without knocking down the tower. The block they choose is then used to determine points. If the building gets knocked over that team loses all points and the tower can be rebuilt and played again.
*Can be played where that the negative pieces, (Typhoon, lose points) affect the other team that did not choose the block (Younger children)
*Can be played where that the negative pieces, (Typhoon, Lose Points) effect the team that chose the piece. (Older students)
*I chose who would play by having one student from each team play paper scissor stone. The winner chose if they wanted to play themselves, OR choose the student that must play. (As the tower gets really tall some children want to make the other team play so that they will knock down the tower)
This game was created by,
JJ Demiannay
?: Question Challenge, or anything you think is appropriate for the age playing
Switch: Switch points or players from the 2 teams
Typhoon: Erase all points from the team that lands on this or from the other team
Dice: Roll the dice and multiply it by 10 to receive that amount of points
- 10: Lose 10 points from your team or erase 10 points from the other team
Thief: Steal points from the other team
Add Points: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200
Students must take a block from the tower, and then put it on top of the tower without knocking down the tower. The block they choose is then used to determine points. If the building gets knocked over that team loses all points and the tower can be rebuilt and played again.
*Can be played where that the negative pieces, (Typhoon, lose points) affect the other team that did not choose the block (Younger children)
*Can be played where that the negative pieces, (Typhoon, Lose Points) effect the team that chose the piece. (Older students)
*I chose who would play by having one student from each team play paper scissor stone. The winner chose if they wanted to play themselves, OR choose the student that must play. (As the tower gets really tall some children want to make the other team play so that they will knock down the tower)
This game was created by,
JJ Demiannay
Jenga Part 2
I also played this simple style of Jenga which does not have any special rules from the blocks that apply. I played each game once, and then if there was still time left in the class, I let the class choose which style they would like to play for the remainder of class.
Game 1: Depending on the age and number of students, I would choose between 2-4 blocks. (2 being easier, 4 being more difficult) Each time a drill was finished, a student from each team would play paper scissor stone. The loser must then go and pull that many blocks from the jenga game and place them on top. As this is pulling alot more blocks in a quicker fashion, the building should fall at a faster pace. The team that knocks over the tower loses, and the other team is awarded 25 points. *I had 2 sets of children play after each drill as long as they were quick Game 2: After each English drill, the teacher chooses 2 students to play paper scissor stone. The loser then must roll the dice. The number the dice rolls, is then the number of blocks that student must take out from the Jenga tower. This game can also go real quick depending on the roll of the dice. The person that knocks the building down is the loser, the other team is then awarded 25 points. Game 3: Each team gets 30 seconds to try to pull as many blocks from the Jenga tower as possible. Students from the team must go one at a time to pull one block each. Each block taken and placed on top of the tower is worth 5 points to that team. After 30 seconds, tally up how many points the team earned and write it on the board. The team that knocks over the building does not earn any points during that round. *This game is fast, endless, and all children get to play *If a team knocks down the tower, simply put it back together for the next round and continue |