3 Pin
Required: 6 bowling pins, 2 balls, dice
+: Points to be added
$ or +: Choice between 100 points, or a green money card for each student of that team
Thief: Steal all points from the other team
Bowling Pin: 3 Pin Game
Students roll the dice to see which spot on the board they win. (1-6 vertically, 1-6 horizontally)
3 Pin: Divide the classroom in half with a line of tape on the floor. Set up three bowling pins against the opposite walls of the classroom (3 on each wall). Have the pins separated as far as possible from each other (2 corners and center). One student from each team gets a ball. Students must try to knock over 2 out of 3 of the other students pins. Students cannot go over the center dividing line. Students will throw the balls back and forth until one of the students has won. The winner is awarded 10 points.
*The pins are spaced far from each other so that students cannot easily play defense and stop the other student from hitting pins easily
*2 balls are used so that each student can start with a ball, but once the game starts, often one of the two students has both balls
*This game lasts between 5 seconds and 1 minute
*After each game if students can pick up the balls and pins and sit down within 5 seconds, a new game may be played (Hopefully each student gets to play once then return to teaching)
*Students that are not playing may not interfere with the game, or they lose their turn to play
*Great game, Tons of Fun
+: Points to be added
$ or +: Choice between 100 points, or a green money card for each student of that team
Thief: Steal all points from the other team
Bowling Pin: 3 Pin Game
Students roll the dice to see which spot on the board they win. (1-6 vertically, 1-6 horizontally)
3 Pin: Divide the classroom in half with a line of tape on the floor. Set up three bowling pins against the opposite walls of the classroom (3 on each wall). Have the pins separated as far as possible from each other (2 corners and center). One student from each team gets a ball. Students must try to knock over 2 out of 3 of the other students pins. Students cannot go over the center dividing line. Students will throw the balls back and forth until one of the students has won. The winner is awarded 10 points.
*The pins are spaced far from each other so that students cannot easily play defense and stop the other student from hitting pins easily
*2 balls are used so that each student can start with a ball, but once the game starts, often one of the two students has both balls
*This game lasts between 5 seconds and 1 minute
*After each game if students can pick up the balls and pins and sit down within 5 seconds, a new game may be played (Hopefully each student gets to play once then return to teaching)
*Students that are not playing may not interfere with the game, or they lose their turn to play
*Great game, Tons of Fun
Picture Below: The 3 pins are set up on one side of the classroom far apart from each other. Our Model (Lucian) is standing behind the yellow and black line which separates him from the other side. He cannot cross that line. He is trying to hit the pins on the opposite side of the classroom, as another student is trying to hit his pins.