Toilet Challenge
This side game is very simple and is only meant to help reduce native language chatter in the classroom. The idea is each team has a playing piece at the top of the game leading to the toilet. If a student is caught speaking their native language, then they must roll the dice. Their playing piece moves down the appropriate amount of spots depending on what they roll. There are 12 spots going down into the toilet on the game I drew. If a team makes it all the way down into the toilet, then their team loses all the points it has accumulated during class.
This is just a lighter fun way to deal with children speaking their native language. They have the chance to roll a 1 and not hurt their team, or they can roll a 6 and get very close to losing all their points and starting over.
If a team makes it into the toilet, simply erase all their points and put their playing piece back at the top of the toilet.
This is just a lighter fun way to deal with children speaking their native language. They have the chance to roll a 1 and not hurt their team, or they can roll a 6 and get very close to losing all their points and starting over.
If a team makes it into the toilet, simply erase all their points and put their playing piece back at the top of the toilet.