Bean Bag Tic Tac Toe
Required: Dice, Bean Bag, Tic Tac Toe Grid Taped to the Floor
Star: Starting point of the game OR Choose a space on the board game
#: Tic Tac Toe Game
Lose Spots on Board: The other team loses its current "X's" or "O's" from the tic tac toe grid
+30: 30 Points for the team
+20: 20 Points for the team
+10: 10 Points for the team
Points X 2: Multiply the team's total points by 2
Points Divided by 2: Divide the Opposite team's total points by 2
Students roll the dice to move a playing piece around the board game. When the piece lands on the # tic tac toe icon, students all get to play bean bag tic tac toe.
# Tic Tac Toe: Each student gets a turn to throw the bean bag from a designated spot towards the tic tac toe grid taped on the floor. Alternate from one team to the next until each student has gotten a chance to throw. When the bean bag lands inside the tic tac toe grid, mark on the board which space was won with an "X" or an "O". If a team can get 3 "X's" or 3 "O's" in a row they win the game and are awarded points. After this erase the board grid and play again.
*Bean bag must be IN a square, not touching the tape to be counted (be as strict as you like)
**If a space is already marked with an "X" or "O" then the student loses his/her turn and the next student throws
***If a game is completed but not all students have gotten a turn to throw, reset the board and continue the next game until each student has had one turn to throw
1st Game: 25 points
2nd Game: 50 points
3rd Game: 100 Points
4th Game: 200 Points
5th Game: 400 Points
Star: Starting point of the game OR Choose a space on the board game
#: Tic Tac Toe Game
Lose Spots on Board: The other team loses its current "X's" or "O's" from the tic tac toe grid
+30: 30 Points for the team
+20: 20 Points for the team
+10: 10 Points for the team
Points X 2: Multiply the team's total points by 2
Points Divided by 2: Divide the Opposite team's total points by 2
Students roll the dice to move a playing piece around the board game. When the piece lands on the # tic tac toe icon, students all get to play bean bag tic tac toe.
# Tic Tac Toe: Each student gets a turn to throw the bean bag from a designated spot towards the tic tac toe grid taped on the floor. Alternate from one team to the next until each student has gotten a chance to throw. When the bean bag lands inside the tic tac toe grid, mark on the board which space was won with an "X" or an "O". If a team can get 3 "X's" or 3 "O's" in a row they win the game and are awarded points. After this erase the board grid and play again.
*Bean bag must be IN a square, not touching the tape to be counted (be as strict as you like)
**If a space is already marked with an "X" or "O" then the student loses his/her turn and the next student throws
***If a game is completed but not all students have gotten a turn to throw, reset the board and continue the next game until each student has had one turn to throw
1st Game: 25 points
2nd Game: 50 points
3rd Game: 100 Points
4th Game: 200 Points
5th Game: 400 Points