Connect 4
Game: Draw a grid on the board and give each team a symbol to draw. (X O) When a student completes a task he/she can go to the board and draw an X or O for his/her team. As with building a tower, students must start at the bottom and build up. In each column only the bottom space may be drawn in. When students connect 4 X's or O's they are awarded 10 points.
*This game is very simple and fast. I use this as a review game. Fast and easy to review vocab/questions and answers/ grammar...
*Depending on how much you want to review make the grid larger. (The 5X6 grid works well with 30 spots so it doesnt last forever and get boring)
*This game is very simple and fast. I use this as a review game. Fast and easy to review vocab/questions and answers/ grammar...
*Depending on how much you want to review make the grid larger. (The 5X6 grid works well with 30 spots so it doesnt last forever and get boring)