Required: Deck of Cards, 1 coin for each student
2 - Give me a shoe: First student to take off one shoe and give it to the teacher is the winner. (10 Points)
3 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 3 points. Black Card= Black team gets 3 points.
4 - Snore on Floor: First team to lie on the floor and sleep (snore) wins 10 points.
5 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 5 points. Black Card= Black team gets 5 points.
6 - Coin Flicks: Each student gets a coin. When the teacher says go, all students spin their coins. The last coin spinning wins 10 points for their team.
7 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 7 points. Black Card= Black team gets 7 points.
8 - Sit on a Mate: First team to have one student on all fours with another student riding him or her like a horse is the winner. (10 points)
9 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 9 points. Black Card= Black team gets 9 points.
10 - High Tens: First team to have one student give double high 5's (two hands) to all of his/her team and then sit down is the winner. (10 points)
J - Jack Points: Team gets to steal all points from the other team.
Q - Give Pink $: The student gets to give a pink money card to a student of his or her choice. (Cannot Keep the card)
K - Rule + 10: The student gets to choose a rule that will then be used for the rest of class. If someone is caught breaking the rule then the opposing team wins 10 points.
A - Choose a Card: Student can choose any card from the board. Ex. They want to make a new Rule (King), or steal points (Jack), or play coin flicks game (6).
This game is pretty simple but takes a minute to go over all of the rules. Once it is explained it goes very quickly. The student that is the "Winner" of a drill gets to choose a card out of the teachers deck of cards. Once it is chosen, the card is yelled out by the teacher so all know what it is. The games that are speed games (2,4,6,8,10) are instantly played by the teams and the first to complete it is the winner. (3,5,7,9) depending on the color of the cards is awarded to the Red team or the Black team. The King is what makes this game very fun for everyone. After the game is explained Choose a rule that you think the class will have fun with and start playing. Make sure you have a list of rules written that are quick and easy that dont disrupt the flow of the class. As an Example I started One class with "Jump 3 times before sitting anywhere". So every time a student was caught not jumping 3 times prior to sitting (in their chair or on the floor) the other team got to add 10 points to their team. I also started another class with "Say names two times" so every time a student's/teacher's name was said only once the other team was awarded 10 points. (Matt is my English teacher, should have been Matt Matt is my English teacher) As the game is played and more rules are enacted the class is constantly warning other kids to follow rules, but with a fast class and simple rules children will often sit down without jumping or saying someone's name twice.
This game is good for classes that can read, as they must follow the rules of the board quickly. Obviously, this can be made more simple for younger classes with pictures to show rules and easier games and rules.
*With most classes, depending on age and English level, just choose rules that apply to the age instead of listing rules and allowing children to choose.
*The above rules are made to not obstruct teaching or slow down the class in a negative way.
2 - Give me a shoe: First student to take off one shoe and give it to the teacher is the winner. (10 Points)
3 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 3 points. Black Card= Black team gets 3 points.
4 - Snore on Floor: First team to lie on the floor and sleep (snore) wins 10 points.
5 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 5 points. Black Card= Black team gets 5 points.
6 - Coin Flicks: Each student gets a coin. When the teacher says go, all students spin their coins. The last coin spinning wins 10 points for their team.
7 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 7 points. Black Card= Black team gets 7 points.
8 - Sit on a Mate: First team to have one student on all fours with another student riding him or her like a horse is the winner. (10 points)
9 - Points: Red Card= Red team gets 9 points. Black Card= Black team gets 9 points.
10 - High Tens: First team to have one student give double high 5's (two hands) to all of his/her team and then sit down is the winner. (10 points)
J - Jack Points: Team gets to steal all points from the other team.
Q - Give Pink $: The student gets to give a pink money card to a student of his or her choice. (Cannot Keep the card)
K - Rule + 10: The student gets to choose a rule that will then be used for the rest of class. If someone is caught breaking the rule then the opposing team wins 10 points.
A - Choose a Card: Student can choose any card from the board. Ex. They want to make a new Rule (King), or steal points (Jack), or play coin flicks game (6).
This game is pretty simple but takes a minute to go over all of the rules. Once it is explained it goes very quickly. The student that is the "Winner" of a drill gets to choose a card out of the teachers deck of cards. Once it is chosen, the card is yelled out by the teacher so all know what it is. The games that are speed games (2,4,6,8,10) are instantly played by the teams and the first to complete it is the winner. (3,5,7,9) depending on the color of the cards is awarded to the Red team or the Black team. The King is what makes this game very fun for everyone. After the game is explained Choose a rule that you think the class will have fun with and start playing. Make sure you have a list of rules written that are quick and easy that dont disrupt the flow of the class. As an Example I started One class with "Jump 3 times before sitting anywhere". So every time a student was caught not jumping 3 times prior to sitting (in their chair or on the floor) the other team got to add 10 points to their team. I also started another class with "Say names two times" so every time a student's/teacher's name was said only once the other team was awarded 10 points. (Matt is my English teacher, should have been Matt Matt is my English teacher) As the game is played and more rules are enacted the class is constantly warning other kids to follow rules, but with a fast class and simple rules children will often sit down without jumping or saying someone's name twice.
This game is good for classes that can read, as they must follow the rules of the board quickly. Obviously, this can be made more simple for younger classes with pictures to show rules and easier games and rules.
*With most classes, depending on age and English level, just choose rules that apply to the age instead of listing rules and allowing children to choose.
*The above rules are made to not obstruct teaching or slow down the class in a negative way.