Space Balls
Required: 2 Balls, Dice
Star: Starting Space or Choose a Space
Bomb X 2: Roll the Dice X 2 = Points that team loses (Or Other Team Loses)
Spin Pass: Game
Thief: Steal All Points from the Other Team
Space Balls: Game
Typhoon: Both Teams Lose All Points
Wall Pass: Game
Dice X 2: Roll the Dice X2 = Points Added to that Team
Spin Pass: Each student gets one chance to play. The student must throw the ball off the wall, spin around, then catch the ball. This is quick and fun for students 8 years old and up. It is quite difficult, so if a student completes the spin pass I awarded that student a lot of points.
*Be sure to demonstrate how to do prior to playing and give some tips on throwing the ball under-hand, very high off the wall, so they have time to spin and catch the ball
Space Balls: (As seen in pictures below) Have a taped line through the center of the classroom to divide the floor into two even halves. One team sits on the floor on their half, the other team sits on the floor on their half. The idea of the game is that students must throw a ball off of ANY wall and then directly hit a student on the other team. One ball is used in this game so that students can always be aware of where the ball is. Students may turn around on the floor to get ready to catch the ball coming off the walls. Students may not change the spot in which they are sitting. Students must get hit directly, without the ball hitting the floor after going off of a wall. If a student catches the ball they are safe. When a student gets hit, that student must return to their seat and are "Out of the game. This game continues until all students have been hit, and their is only one student left. The winner of this game is then awarded many points.
*Which ever student gets the ball is the thrower, or they can hand off to another teammate, there is no throwing order (5 second count to throw)
*Let students know that smart students will sit away from the wall so they have time to react to the ball coming off of the wall to catch it
*If the game is taking too long, the teacher should count down from 10 and then award the team with the most kills, points
*If a ball is unreachable by students, the teacher should give the ball to the closest student
*This game is safe and fun for students
*Students should be at least 8 years old to play otherwise throwing from a seated or kneeling position is very difficult
Wall Pass: (As seen in the picture below) Each team lines up along a wall. (In the picture I put both teams at the same wall so I could observe both teams at the same time) Students must pass the ball off the wall to the next student. If students were older and had better hand eye coordination, I played that students must pass the ball down the line, and then back to the first student. If the ball touches the ground, the ball is returned to the first student in the line to start again. The first team to pass the ball through all players without the ball touching the ground, or any other mistakes, is the winner. (Students Must throw to the correct student. EX. Student A throws to student B, Student B throws to Student C, and so on.)
*This game is a lot of fun for older students as it is quite difficult to complete flawlessly
*Be sure to watch both teams to be sure they are playing correctly
Star: Starting Space or Choose a Space
Bomb X 2: Roll the Dice X 2 = Points that team loses (Or Other Team Loses)
Spin Pass: Game
Thief: Steal All Points from the Other Team
Space Balls: Game
Typhoon: Both Teams Lose All Points
Wall Pass: Game
Dice X 2: Roll the Dice X2 = Points Added to that Team
Spin Pass: Each student gets one chance to play. The student must throw the ball off the wall, spin around, then catch the ball. This is quick and fun for students 8 years old and up. It is quite difficult, so if a student completes the spin pass I awarded that student a lot of points.
*Be sure to demonstrate how to do prior to playing and give some tips on throwing the ball under-hand, very high off the wall, so they have time to spin and catch the ball
Space Balls: (As seen in pictures below) Have a taped line through the center of the classroom to divide the floor into two even halves. One team sits on the floor on their half, the other team sits on the floor on their half. The idea of the game is that students must throw a ball off of ANY wall and then directly hit a student on the other team. One ball is used in this game so that students can always be aware of where the ball is. Students may turn around on the floor to get ready to catch the ball coming off the walls. Students may not change the spot in which they are sitting. Students must get hit directly, without the ball hitting the floor after going off of a wall. If a student catches the ball they are safe. When a student gets hit, that student must return to their seat and are "Out of the game. This game continues until all students have been hit, and their is only one student left. The winner of this game is then awarded many points.
*Which ever student gets the ball is the thrower, or they can hand off to another teammate, there is no throwing order (5 second count to throw)
*Let students know that smart students will sit away from the wall so they have time to react to the ball coming off of the wall to catch it
*If the game is taking too long, the teacher should count down from 10 and then award the team with the most kills, points
*If a ball is unreachable by students, the teacher should give the ball to the closest student
*This game is safe and fun for students
*Students should be at least 8 years old to play otherwise throwing from a seated or kneeling position is very difficult
Wall Pass: (As seen in the picture below) Each team lines up along a wall. (In the picture I put both teams at the same wall so I could observe both teams at the same time) Students must pass the ball off the wall to the next student. If students were older and had better hand eye coordination, I played that students must pass the ball down the line, and then back to the first student. If the ball touches the ground, the ball is returned to the first student in the line to start again. The first team to pass the ball through all players without the ball touching the ground, or any other mistakes, is the winner. (Students Must throw to the correct student. EX. Student A throws to student B, Student B throws to Student C, and so on.)
*This game is a lot of fun for older students as it is quite difficult to complete flawlessly
*Be sure to watch both teams to be sure they are playing correctly