Required: Dice, 1 Ball
Star: Starting space or choose a space
I Phone: Quick Game
Thief: Steal all points from the other team
Torpedo Ball: Game
Dice X 5: The number of the dice X 5 = points
Bump Set Spike: Game
Typhoon: Both teams lose all points
Nose: Quick Game
Torpedo Ball: The idea of this game is to roll the ball on the floor to hit the enemy in the feet. If a student rolls the ball and directly hits a students shoes, then they are out and must sit down. (Direct hit meaning the ball cannot go off the wall or other students to kill someone. All students may run around the classroom safely to dodge the torpedo ball. Once the ball has hit a wall or killed a student, any student may pick up the ball to roll it towards another student. The player with the ball may not move from the position that they picked the ball up. Students may also throw the ball to another teammate in order to get closer to the enemy for a kill shot. The last student standing is the winner.
*This game is a bit crazy, so only allow students to play if they can behave properly... (No pushing or jumping on chairs)
*Be sure to tell children they must ROLL the ball to kill the enemy (They must hit the shoes of a student)
*Be sure to tell children they may throw the ball only to give the ball to a teammate as a strategy to kill other students
*This game if only played with children can be slow. The teacher can sit in a chair somewhere in the classroom and also play to speed up the game!
*If children are very young, the teacher can be the sole torpedo roller, and eliminate all the students until the last student has won
Bump Set Spike: This is a volleyball inspired game. All students stand up and make a line or a circle around the teacher. The teacher must then teach proper volleyball terminology of a bump, set and spike. Once children understand the 3 volleyball hits, the game can start. The teacher will say one of the 3 terms, then lightly toss the ball to one of the students. The student must then do the called hit. EX. Teacher says "Bump", tosses the ball to one student, that student must Bump the ball. If a student makes a mistake, by doing the wrong hit, that student is out. The teacher throws to each student saying a volleyball term, with students returning the ball with the correct action. Each time the teacher can get faster, or trickier, by doing no look tosses to students. The last student standing is the winner.
*The teacher should make a rule, that if the ball is hit off the ceiling, then that student is out. (to keep the students hitting lightly and safely from lights)
*Fun and fast game for older students... 8+
Nose: When the playing piece lands on this space, the LAST student to be touching their nose with their finger is the loser. Award the opposite team points.
*This is a easy quick game to see which students are paying attention.
*Be sure to tell students, that this is a quiet game, they should secretly tell only their team that the nose game has begun... Not shout it out for all to hear!
I Phone: When the playing piece lands on this space, the First student to put their hand to their ear (As a mock i phone), and shout out "Hey Teacher, Whats up!!!" is the winner. Award that student points.
*This is a easy quick game to keep students on their toes
Star: Starting space or choose a space
I Phone: Quick Game
Thief: Steal all points from the other team
Torpedo Ball: Game
Dice X 5: The number of the dice X 5 = points
Bump Set Spike: Game
Typhoon: Both teams lose all points
Nose: Quick Game
Torpedo Ball: The idea of this game is to roll the ball on the floor to hit the enemy in the feet. If a student rolls the ball and directly hits a students shoes, then they are out and must sit down. (Direct hit meaning the ball cannot go off the wall or other students to kill someone. All students may run around the classroom safely to dodge the torpedo ball. Once the ball has hit a wall or killed a student, any student may pick up the ball to roll it towards another student. The player with the ball may not move from the position that they picked the ball up. Students may also throw the ball to another teammate in order to get closer to the enemy for a kill shot. The last student standing is the winner.
*This game is a bit crazy, so only allow students to play if they can behave properly... (No pushing or jumping on chairs)
*Be sure to tell children they must ROLL the ball to kill the enemy (They must hit the shoes of a student)
*Be sure to tell children they may throw the ball only to give the ball to a teammate as a strategy to kill other students
*This game if only played with children can be slow. The teacher can sit in a chair somewhere in the classroom and also play to speed up the game!
*If children are very young, the teacher can be the sole torpedo roller, and eliminate all the students until the last student has won
Bump Set Spike: This is a volleyball inspired game. All students stand up and make a line or a circle around the teacher. The teacher must then teach proper volleyball terminology of a bump, set and spike. Once children understand the 3 volleyball hits, the game can start. The teacher will say one of the 3 terms, then lightly toss the ball to one of the students. The student must then do the called hit. EX. Teacher says "Bump", tosses the ball to one student, that student must Bump the ball. If a student makes a mistake, by doing the wrong hit, that student is out. The teacher throws to each student saying a volleyball term, with students returning the ball with the correct action. Each time the teacher can get faster, or trickier, by doing no look tosses to students. The last student standing is the winner.
*The teacher should make a rule, that if the ball is hit off the ceiling, then that student is out. (to keep the students hitting lightly and safely from lights)
*Fun and fast game for older students... 8+
Nose: When the playing piece lands on this space, the LAST student to be touching their nose with their finger is the loser. Award the opposite team points.
*This is a easy quick game to see which students are paying attention.
*Be sure to tell students, that this is a quiet game, they should secretly tell only their team that the nose game has begun... Not shout it out for all to hear!
I Phone: When the playing piece lands on this space, the First student to put their hand to their ear (As a mock i phone), and shout out "Hey Teacher, Whats up!!!" is the winner. Award that student points.
*This is a easy quick game to keep students on their toes